Do antidepressants make you numb? Weighing the emotional impact of common depression drugs

Terracciano (Ph.D. ’22, Psychology, Clinical Psychology training area) recently finished an internship at the University of Florida and is now working toward her license to practice as a clinical psychologist in New York and Connecticut.
Much of her research centers on the emotional impacts of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribed to treat depression. Terracciano (formerly Tocco) wrote about apathy and other forms of emotional blunting caused by anti-depressants in her Ph.D. dissertation. She took time this month to talk to the Graduate Center about her research on SSRIs, their uses and risks, and her future career plans.
Secondly, I think I was always a mini budding scientist, as my mother described me as an overly curious child asking a minimum of 100 questions a day, (e.g., “Why are stop signs red?” “Why do people wear socks?”). My poor mother.
Combining my unique familial circumstances with my innately curious nature likely pulled me down the psychology aisle, as I wanted to become an expert on brain-behavior relationships.
Outside of work, navigating the numerous hurdles of a Ph.D. program helped develop my tenacity. It truly is a marathon, and you learn to delay gratification. I also learned just how important it is to have a village of people behind you. My Ph.D. would never have been possible without the support of my parents and best friend. Having them as a sounding board was essential to my success, and I am forever grateful.
With this said, there was tons of anecdotal evidence that SSRIs were indeed decreasing depressed feelings, but that patients were feeling emotionally numbed or blunted all around. This means that many people on SSRIs were having difficulty feeling all emotions, even good ones, like joy, love, fear, etc.
This side effect had not been researched empirically prior to my dissertation, and isn’t even listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference as a possible side effect. My work found that people on SSRIs who report feeling emotionally blunted are able to identify other people’s emotions just fine, they just report feeling them less strongly. More importantly, we found that individuals who had sexual dysfunction from their SSRI medication, which is a common and well-known side effect of antidepressants, were significantly more likely to experience emotional blunting from their medication.
Past research has shown that some individuals with SSRI-induced blunting will report caring less about important relationships, which is problematic, as healthy, close relationships are protective against depression. For example, an individual with SSRI-induced blunting may be less expressive with affection towards their romantic partner.
While I think the impact on relationships is probably the most detrimental effect of emotional blunting, reduced feelings of urgency when a deadline is fast approaching or feeling apathetic about one’s own physical appearance can also be impactful.
It is important for patients taking the medication and physicians prescribing the medication to be aware of its possible occurrence. If it occurs, patients and physicians should collaboratively decide if the benefits outweigh the blunting.
Of note, this side effect is dose-dependent, meaning the higher the dose, the more likely or stronger the blunting will be.
Many individuals with depression and taking SSRIs are working full time, keeping up with their social calendars, and are functioning at their baseline. Knowing this, it is even more important to intentionally check in on loved ones regarding mental health or emotional wellness, as it may be hard to pick up on.
While SSRIs are extremely helpful in treating depression, many individuals diagnosed with depression may not ever need them. It really depends on the severity of the depression. For individuals with mild to moderate depression or depression that is brought on by life circumstances, psychotherapy may be more impactful.
While research shows that a combination of both medication and psychotherapy is the most effective, some patients are averse to taking medication or cannot tolerate the side effects. Individualized treatment plans are imperative, as no two depressive episodes are alike.
Providing peer mentorship to undergraduates applying to graduate school and graduate students navigating internship or dissertation defense has been surprisingly rewarding. It feels good to help others succeed on their paths, as so many people helped me succeed on my own.
I remember so many times throughout my journey when I needed to slow down or deviate from the trajectory for a while to take care of my health, family, emotional well-being. I always felt super shameful about it and in the end, it didn’t matter. There is no one right way to get through the program. It is a journey, and it is all your own. I look back now and wish I wasn’t so hard on myself.